Essentials For Online Test Takers During Online Proctored Exam
The advent of the unprecedented CoVID 19 pandemic has highlighted the urgency to resort to online platforms such as online proctoring software and virtual classroom software for ensuring continuity in education.
According to NDTV, Indian Medical Association has said that the third wave is imminent and inevitable. None of us have even recovered from the second wave that had hit the capital and the entire country drastically, and the doctors claim about the advent of the third.
Although the Government is making efforts to vaccinate everyone, in this background, no university can conduct an entrance exam by calling the students physically in an examination center and conducting exams. This thereby makes it imperative for the universities to only resort to using online proctoring software for conducting online exams to admit aspirants in the new academic year.
This thereby makes it essential for every online test taker working hard to get admission into their dream college to be aware of certain essentials to be followed by them while giving proctored exams.
Today’s article is dedicated to all the aspirants studying hard to fulfill their dreams since Pesofts aims to explain all the nitty gritty and essentials that every online test taker should follow while and before an online exam.
Essentials For Online Test Takers During
Listed below are some of the essentials that every online test taker should consider if they intend to have an experience that is good and wants to cross the first hurdle to get into their dream university.
Adhere To Requirements Laid Down By Online Proctoring Software
One of the essential aspects to which every online test taker must adhere is fulfilling all the requirements laid down by the online exam proctoring software.
While the students log in as per their respective IDs to start the test, the proctor asks them to give access to their device’s microphone and camera. Once the students allow the proctor to access the same, the following requirement is to present a valid ID to satisfy the proctor because it is the same online test taker who applied for the exam and is giving the same. They are also required to allow the proctor to click their picture to ensure no impersonation.
Once the students fulfill all the steps, then only they get access to the online exam. Even during the online exam on the software for online proctoring, the students must strictly follow the exam guidelines and not resort to means prohibited by the examination agency.With its artificial intelligence, the proctor can sense any unfair means adopted by the test taker and cancel the exam after giving sufficient opportunity for red flags.
Read The Exam Guidelines Thoroughly
To successfully log in and access this newly adopted mode of exam, another essential which every online test taker should consider is to read the exam guidelines thoroughly, not once but twice.
In this digital era wherein students, while giving the exam, have no option to address their grievance in case of failure to log in, reading the guidelines laid down by the authorities becomes all the more imperative.To take the online exam with the help of software for a virtual exam, the students must log in to the extensions and other requirements laid down by the universities in their guidelines.
Ensure Stable Internet Connection
The word online exam itself speaks about the fact that one of the essentials for online test takers to ensure a smooth experience with online exams is to provide a stable internet connection.That’s because the online exam softwareto function effectively requires an internet connection with a proper bandwidth. Although the exam conducting universities cater to all these exceptional conditions such as cases of power failures leading to disruption of internet connection thereby enabling the students to log in again within a stipulated time immediately, still having an internet connection with proper speed is one of the essentials which make it possible to connect and give a virtual exam.
Do Not Resort To Using Unfair Means
Initially, universities were reluctant to conduct entrance exams online since they were not convinced of the integrity and credibility of the results and admissions achieved based on an online exam.However, they overcame this roadblock with the help of online proctoring software, which is equipped with an artificial intelligence-based proctor that acts as a human invigilator and keeps an eye on every movement of the student while they are giving an exam.
Students often feel that they’ll be able to use tricks to cheat in an online proctored exam, but the proctor’s features deter them from doing so. They think of logging in from a particular device by logging in from their valid identity card, passing through the initial screening test, and then logging in from a different device and resorting to impersonation by asking some intellectual to continue giving their exam.They forget that and are often unaware of that after they log in, the proctor tracks their location and IP Address. Furthermore, they’re not aware of the possibility of login in from a unique and special link generated by the software for online proctoring, which can only be used once.
Therefore keeping these conditions and features of the online proctorin mind, online test takers should never resort to means that the universities strictly prohibit in their guidelines. That’s because not following the warnings as generated by online proctoring software can cancel the online entrance exam.
The Last Word
Post-CoVID empty classrooms disrupted education, and looming clouds of uncertainty were proof that traditional education is no longer valid. Online classrooms and online exam platforms have taken over to fill up this void. In their bid to follow social distancing coupled with continuity in education, universities have resorted to using online proctoring platforms for conducting entrance exams. This new model has thereby imposed an obligation on every online test taker to be thorough of the essentials to be followed religiously in an online proctored exam.It might be daunting, tiring, and scary for test-takers to get admission into their dream college, but online exam proctoring software is the NEED OF THE HOUR.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question 1: What Is An Online Proctoring Software?
Answer 1: An online exam software is software that allows the universities to conduct an exam online without the need for the students to be present physically. Coupled with this, online proctoring software is an extended version of online exam software which is equipped with a proctor to ensure the credibility and integrity of the exam.
The proctor can either be automated or a human proctor. The proctor acts as an invigilator and takes care of all the malpractices resorted to by the online test takers while they give an online exam. It carefully monitors and tracks students’ acts while they’re attempting the exam virtually and deters them from cheating.
Question 2: What Is An Online Proctored Exam?
Answer 2: An online proctored exam does away with the need for a human invigilator. Under this type of exam, you are under the surveillance of an artificial intelligence invigilator which tracks your every move ranging from your eyeball movements to your speech. As you attempt the online exam, it constantly records your video. Thereafter, you cannot see an invigilator, but there still is an invigilator who is monitoring your movement.
Question 3: What Happens If I Cheat In Online Exam?
Answer 3: First of all, it’s impossible for any test taker to cheat in an online proctored exam. That’s because the proctor only lets you start with the exam after you allow it to use the microphone and the device’s camera. Further, the online exam software also verifies your identity. This two-step authentication is typically one of the best modes to ensure exam credibility. The proctor keeps a constant eye on all your movements. If you resort to means prohibited, the proctor gives you warnings. If you still falter after providing sufficient signs and red flags, your exam gets canceled.
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