By | 10/11/2021

Deliver exams through an online assessment platform with ease

Seamlessly delivering exams through online assessment platforms in these post-CoVID times have become of utmost importance as recruiters, educational institutes, and corporates consider providing secured and timely assessment as a challenge. In this Blog We”ll Know about How To Deliver Exams Online Assessment Platform

Therefore it’s imperative for all the intermediaries related to conducting assessments online to adopt that hybrid scientific assessment software that aids them in seamlessly authoring, designing, and delivering cognitive and behavioral assessments online. Educational institutes thus should always opt for online exam software that caters to their needs and is available at an affordable cost. By choosing the right online exam software, educational institutes can not only streamline their assessment process but also reduce the risk of errors and malpractices. Additionally, such software can provide insightful analytics and reports that can help educators make data-driven decisions to improve the learning outcomes of their students.

In this era where innumerable software providers are available, it becomes difficult for corporates, educational institutes, and recruiters to choose the best online exam software for delivering exams seamlessly.

To do their job efficiently, the article below discusses how recruiters, corporates, and educational institutes can seamlessly deliver exams through Pesofts software for online exams.

Deliver Exams Seamlessly Through the Pesofts Online Assessment Platform

The online exam conducting bodies with Pesofts online exam software can set exam schedules, conduct candidate validation, administer tests, and monitor their candidate’s exams online. It ensures data integrity by providing access to only authorized personnel and can also be integrated with other tools easily.

Being an all-in-one package, users (universities, corporates, recruiters) can deliver high stake entrance exams with Pesofts’s following features:

1. Facilitates Assessment For a Large Number Of Candidates

The word seamless denotes a continuous and easy process without apparent gaps or spaces between one part and the next. Keeping the meaning of this in mind, our team has developed online exam software so that exam conducting agencies can schedule exams to take place for concurrent users on the same day and at the same time. Pesofts software for online exams also alternatively grants a window of access to enable users to take the exam at a convenient time.

To access the exam, the software generates a secure and unique exam link that can be accessed by students and admins, learners, and educators. With this, exam-holding agencies get complete control of all the exams that they wish to conduct. Ranging from single to multiple attempts, the exam conducting agencies can set the number of attempts allowed by candidates while taking an exam online.

2. Create Highly Customised Exams

With the availability of various tools, users can create customized exams by setting time limits, dividing the exams into multiple sections and subtopics, and including an instruction page. For generating dynamic question banks based on custom tags and rules, teachers and recruiters can add questions in any form ranging from MCQs to long answer questions.

They can even categorize questions based on a particular topic, subtopic, and difficulty level. Our software has a tool that allows users to create questions directly on the platform that can be uploaded easily and quickly. The exam conducting agencies can also create automatic practice quizzes with our intelligent spaced learning algorithms personalized to each user based on their weaknesses and strengths.

3. Efficient Remote Proctoring

Our software, as per the exam rules set by the exam conducting agency, monitors the test takers with our inbuilt robust proctoring tool to ensure the integrity of exams. Users have the surety that candidates take exams in exam conditions as the proctor records the candidate’s entire screen, audio, and webcam. The professors or key managerial personnel associated with online exams have the flexibility to review students’ footage whenever they want to.

Before students get access to the online exam, they must undergo a pre-verification process by submitting their photo ID. While the users undertake the exam, the proctor, if it suspects any suspicious activity on the student’s part, keeps on adding flags coupled with automatically detecting any website visited by students during the exam.

4. Automatically Marks Answers

Delivery of results is one of the most crucial aspects of seamlessly conducting online exams. Pesofts software for online exams offers the users an option to either show the results to candidates immediately or defer the results to enable the admin team to do the internal marking.

To help save time and reduce the admin team’s workload, our software automatically marks multiple-choice questions. For conducting an enhanced internal review, our software exports result as CSV or PDF immediately. Our online recruitment software also comes equipped with customizable templates for creating offers, as well as automated reminders for following up with candidates, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.

5. Easy Functioning

The efficiency and ease with which users can create exams with our user-friendly software make Pesofts software for online exams the most preferred among other online exam software providers. Before our users opt for the software, they also get an opportunity to take a free demo to ensure that the software meets their expectations and get concessions in the form of a free after-sale service.

Coupled with this, let’s also understand the steps to be followed for conducting online exams.

Conducting an online exam from home is not rocket science. It’s much easier as compared to a traditional online exam. Everything is automated & can be done with a click of some buttons makes the entire process less tiring & reduces the administrative burden. For that, all you need to know is how to create an online exam & understand its functioning, which you are already aware of.

Step 1:

Choose The Type Of Software You Want To Install For Your Educational Institution
We at Pesofts offer two types of software. The first one is where the teachers, owners of coaching institutes & universities register with us to buy the essential software available at affordable prices & the necessary features required for assessing students online.

The second category of software can be customized as per the needs of the coaching institutes by communicating the requirements to our development team & getting the tailor-made software for the online exam in the manner they desire.

Step 2:

Create an Online Exam By Filling in All The Mandatory Details
Once satisfied, the users are at liberty to add questions in any format ranging from MCQs to complex scientific equations to picture-related questions either manually or automatically & after adding the other necessary details such as the time & day when the test is to be conducted & the time limit within which the same should end, they are free to create the test.

Step 3:

On The Exam Day, Share the Appropriate URL With The Test Takers
To get started with the live online exam, the next step that one needs to know in how an online exam works is to share the appropriate URL with the students.

Once they access the URL, the proctor installed in the virtual exam system asks them to verify their identity by producing an identity card & also asks for access to the student’s mic, browser, screen & camera. After the proctor verifies their ID, it permits them to start the online exam.

Step 4:

Start The Exam & Attempt The Questions
After the students verify their identity, the software gives a green flag & the students can go ahead with the test. During the entire duration when the students are providing the online exam, the proctor combines the power of automated proctoring & human monitoring to ensure that the students reasonably give the exams. The full streaming of the data is saved in the software for proctoring through the cloud.

Step 5:

Submit The Test & Wait For Results
The test gets submitted in two scenarios. The students submit it themselves after completing it, or the test gets submitted after the time limit finishes.

The institutes after this have two options. They can either adjust the settings to see their results immediately after the exam, or a detailed report giving insights into various aspects of the development gets delivered to the university on the required email ID.

The Last Word
Pesofts, with its end-to-end features, thereby ensures seamless delivery of online exams and after that proves to be an excellent tool for all the educational institutes that aim to assess students online rather than evaluating them by way of pen and paper exams. All our features incorporated in our software give our users the ability to conduct hassle-free exams easily, efficiently, and seamlessly.

Writer & Publisher

Manjeet Mehta CEO @Pesofts

Manjeet Mehta is a professional writer also the CEO @Pesofts, He passes out from IIT Roorkee in the year of 2013 and started their own business with thinking of the growing education sector with the help of technology. You can check out Linkedin him and follow here Linkedin