Best Online Remote Proctored Exam and Examination Services
Online Remote Proctored Exams are becoming more and more popular these days due to the convenience and benefits they offer.
Universities, schools and coaching centres all are adopting this technology and there are various software available in the market. And if you are looking for the right software for you, you don’t need to look further. You have landed on the right page. Pesofts is the best choice to fulfil all your needs.
We at Pesofts aim to be the best proctoring software for online remote proctored exams and the features and services we provide speak for us. Integrated with artificial intelligence and machine learning, our online remote proctoring software ensures hassle-free online assessment and ensures the integrity of the examination system. Our software is affordable yet we never compromise on quality and our trained professionals are always there to assist you.
What is an online remote proctored exam
An online remote proctored exam is an examination that is conducted over the Internet. Test-takers can take the exam from anywhere as they are proctored remotely to ensure the integrity of the examination system. Specialised software is used to closely monitor every test-taker using their webcam video and microphone audio. Restrictions are put on their devices to prevent them from using other web browsers to cheat and even their screen is continuously recorded. This allows the proctor to detect any suspicious behaviour and flag them immediately.
Online remote proctored exams have the potential to be the future of assessment as they offer various benefits over the traditional methods-
Flexibility:- Online remote proctored exams provide flexibility as they can be taken from any location, thus eliminating the need to travel, and providing convenience and comfort.
Cost-effectiveness:- They are cost-effective as there is no need for physical exam centres, thus reducing the infrastructural and logistics cost. There is also no need to hire and train human proctors.
Security:- Continuous advancement in technology and integration of artificial intelligence has enhanced security features which help to maintain exam integrity and eliminate the scope of cheating.
Quick results:- Online exams facilitate decision-making and faster feedback as the exam results are made automatically.
In this fast pacing world, institutions are continuously looking for efficient and accessible assessment solutions and online remote proctored exams have the potential of fulfilling their needs. So this technology is here to stay.
Why Choose Us for Online Remote Proctored Examination
Here is why Pesofts is the #1 choice for exam-conducting agencies –
We Customize Our Software According to your Needs:
We at Pesofts understand that everyone’s needs are different and building a one fit for all software is not the ultimate solution. So we customise our software according to your needs.
We Provide Three Types of Proctoring Software to Choose From:
Live Online Proctoring:- Under this model, the students are monitored throughout the exam. Installing a safe exam browser makes sure that students are checked all the time so that they don’t undertake any suspicious activity.
Recorded Proctoring:- Under this model, the proctor records the entire examination and has access to the student’s microphone and camera. Invigilators then later review the recording and look for any suspicious behaviour.
Automated Proctoring:- Under this model, an artificial intelligence proctoring software screen records the test-takers feed throughout the exam and if it detects any suspicious activities during the exam, it cancels the exam of that test-taker.
Can be Easily Integrated with LMS:- Our software can be easily integrated with Learning Management Software and proctored tests can be taken within the LMS without any extra plugins or extensions. There’s no need for you to learn any new platform or software.
Low Maintenance Cost:- Our software is affordable and so are our after-sales services. We believe in providing the best service without burning a hole in your pocket. Our well-trained staff is always happy to help you.
Advanced Security Measures
Security measures are necessary during online exams to ensure the integrity of the examination system, get reliable and fair results and maintain privacy of test-takers. Pesofts offers the following advanced security features-
Student Authentication:- To begin with the examination, the test-taker must authenticate his/her identity and provide complete access to our software. If the test-taker doesn’t comply with the regulations then he/she can’t sit for the examination.
Restricts Online Navigation:- Our proctoring software automatically limits students’ activity by restricting them from using any other website or application through which they can potentially cheat.
Secure Exam Browser:- Our proctoring software has an inbuilt safe exam browser that stops students from indulging in malpractices such as using other devices before or during the exam.
Restricts Students From Taking Screenshots:- Our proctoring software doesn’t let test-takers take a screenshot of the question which they can forward to their peers to ask for help.
We at Pesofts prioritise your privacy and safeguard the personal information of all the test-takers. Our aim is to foster trust and confidence in the examination process.
Seamless User Experience
To provide you a seamless user experience, we provide you with a free trial of our software as we don’t believe in imposing our products on anyone. You can first explore our software and see if it suits your requirements then you can upgrade to a paid-up plan.
The interface of our software is extremely easy to use. There is no need for you to purchase any other device to use our software as it is compatible with both Android and iOS.
Our trained personnel work twenty-four hours round the clock to upgrade your learning experience. They are also available 24×7 to assist you. You can connect with us through phone, email or live chat.
How Our Online Remote Proctored Exam Work
Here is a step-by-step guide on how our online remote proctored exams work –
Step 1- Log in with your credentials
The first and foremost step for students is to log in to the portal with the credentials provided by the exam conducting agency.
Step 2- Choose the required type of exam
The next step is to select the exam for which the student has registered.
Step 3- Complete the verification process
Before the exam starts, the test-taker has to submit certain proofs to authenticate identity and allow the proctor to take complete access over the device on which they are taking the exam to prevent cheating.
Step 4- Attempt the online exam
After completing the verification process, the test-taker gets access to the test. We at Pesofts provide 3 types of proctoring software. So depending on the model chosen by the exam conducting agency, the test-taker will be subject to different types of proctoring.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question – What is an Online Remote Proctored Exam?
Ans- An online remote proctored exam is a kind of online examination where test-takers are monitored by a proctor to maintain integrity and prevent cheating. Specialised software is used to observe the test-takers. The software uses the test-takers webcam, microphone and screen recording to keep a check on his environment and detect any suspicious behaviour.
Question – How does Online Remote Proctoring work for exams?
Answer- Online remote proctoring works by using specialised software to record the test-takers activities. It uses audio-visual data to monitor the test-takers in real time to detect any suspicious behaviour. Human proctors may also be employed. When the proctor identifies suspicious behaviour, it flags those instances so that Human proctors may review the recordings and identify violations of exam rules and regulations.
Question – How do Online Remote Proctored Examinations maintain exam integrity?
Answer- Online remote proctored examinations maintain exam integrity by using various measures. Before the exam begins, it authenticates the test-takers identity using ways like facial recognition, biometric data or photo IDs. After the exam begins, the proctor restricts the use of external browsers, does screen monitoring, and live monitors the whole session to detect suspicious behaviour like talking and looking away from the camera. These measures together help to uphold the integrity of the online examination system.
Question – Can Online Remote Proctored Examinations be taken from any location?
Answer- Yes, online remote proctored examinations can be taken from any location with a stable internet connection. Test-takers have the option to choose any location that is convenient to them, be it their home, office, cyber-cafe or any suitable location. Some requirements may vary according to the specific needs of the test conducting agency or the software they use.
Manjeet Mehta CEO @Pesofts
Manjeet Mehta is a professional writer and also the CEO @Pesofts. He passed out from IIT Roorkee in 2013 and started their own business, thinking of the growing education sector with the help of technology. You can check out LinkedIn and follow him here LinkedIn