By | 18/01/2025

Micro-teaching is a concentrative approach under skilled training, also inculcative inlets for your educators through a controlled situation in developing certain teaching skills. Now, in India, it is carried out as a crucial of tools for wannabee teachers to give themselves exercisable lessons within small and structured, thus successful feedback. The blog talking about the values of micro-teaching said that it is different from macro teaching and describes step by step what else and counsels how effectively teach a small concept for a limited time.

The site itself also helps much with how lessons of a small nature can be created with just a small emphasis on a single concept. The blog will enlighten educators on the importance of mastering those micro-teaching skills and shorten some of the most frequently asked questions, especially the significance of criticising the teacher and the intended process improvement concerning the students. Aspiring or veteran school teachers, all those who are interested in the subject of pedagogy, shall, following instructions with this comprehensive guide to micro-teaching, know its significance in improving instructional quality and professional development inside their classrooms.

What is Micro-Teaching?


Micro-teaching is one of the best special training methods that is used specially in education. Here teachers, practically of any educational level, learn to gain some particular skills in a controlled, simplified and manageable way.

Introduced by Dwight W. Allen et al. in the 1960s at Stanford University, it has been one of the most prominent tools in teacher education programs of various institutions worldwide, including India. Simply put, a teacher gives a short lesson that lasts just about 5-10 minutes in front of a number of peer audiences or students.

A pretty focused and specific teaching skill will be taught. One may teach exemplifying an idea, questioning, introduction of a new subject, or perhaps classroom management. The feedback session is usually done right away, followed by reteaching in order to administer the feedback.

The main aim of micro-teaching is to enable teachers to have some practice and helpful feedback for better and mastered teaching techniques before they are tried out on students in real contexts. By means of its adaptation, it makes it possible to break down the elements of teaching into smaller parts and to facilitate teacher focus on these one by one, without getting bogged down in upfront management of subjects in running a class.

Some of the Key Features of Micro-Teaching include:

Small-scale teaching: it’s a lesson that lasts 5 to 10 minutes/Sources differ in relation to time able to focus on only one objective.

Limited audience: teaching of a course of lesson to small groups of peers or students allows a teacher to deal with a situation quite less threatening in comparison with the scenario of facing a room full of students.

Focus on specific skills: A learning-to-teach process focuses on developing and refining those. Some of the skills best suited to re-teaching efforts include questioning techniques, classroom management, or explanation.

Immediate Feedback: Feedback is ideal in the sense that the system is such that feedback is given instantly after class, letting instructors analyse their own abilities and find out where they need improvement.

Repeat opportunity: Feedback would give way to another chance for teaching, improvement, and practice again. It is a form of continuous development for improved teaching characteristics.

Micro-teaching builds confidence in teachers by breaking down classroom teaching complexities into digestible chunks, allowing teachers to focus much has on their primary teaching skills. It is through feedback and self-reflection that will be most beneficial for personal development and growth.

Within the Indian context, micro-teaching is used widely in teacher-education programs as a practical approach into mastering effective teaching techniques, thus forming a significant role in the new teacher training methods.

Why is Micro-Teaching Important?

Micro-teaching is highly effective and, when used for purposes of teacher development, it provides a significant benefit to improving one’s own teaching as well as enhancing the quality of instruction. Being an important tool for teachers to develop themselves, micro-teaching allows educators to work on specific skills as it is a tool that can be controlled. This, therefore, will definitely be an integral part of teacher education programs especially in India.

Skill Development

Primarily, the importance of micro-teaching is in the focused improvement of teaching skills. Teaching is quite demanding and includes several interrelated skills covering classroom management, questioning skills, explaining skills, and how to engage the students.

This can be a complicated procedure for a novice if these components have to be addressed together in a regular classroom setting. By contrast, micro-teaching simplifies the process by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable components. Teachers have the option to focus on any one skill, say, how to clear a concept or make good use of visual aids.

Non-threatening learning environment

Micro-teaching is important as it is considered to be a low-risk practice for teachers where they get to experiment by delivering lessons in front of a small group of classmates or students without feeling embarrassed in front of the large class. This practice can build a teacher’s confidence, let them feel brave enough to take risks-and learn from them-and in the end, not to feel that they have lost control.

Immediate Feedback and Reflection

One of the central features of micro-teaching is that feedback is given soon after the lesson to assess the effectiveness of teaching. Feedback usually comes from the observers, peer group, or mentor after the lesson.

This immediate feedback is very crucial as it turns out very useful in identifying ones own strengths and areas of growth. In addition, it initiates a process of self-reflection, since teachers get to see a recording of their performance, which provides a different perspective.

Continuous reteaching and self-attainment

The most important aspect of micro-teaching is reteaching. New feedback procedures give teachers the chance to improve and change their lessons, so they may be repeated with slight modifications. For learning and development as teachers, repetition acts as a tool in continuous improvement, as well as the polishing of teaching skills.

Confidence building

Micro-teaching offers teachers that very all-important practice-feedback-improvement cycle that builds confidence in them. It shows increasingly heightened abilities, increasingly practiced with time, and, within the frame of learning, the ability to meet the challenge in a wholly new light.

One of the crucial parts of teacher training in India is micro-teaching for both pre- and in-service teachers to learn good professional skills. It does give them confidence and makes them competent enough to teach perfectly fine in the real set-up of any classroom, thus providing quality education.

What is a Micro Lesson Plan?

A micro lesson plan is a simplified and focused version of a regular lesson plan, designed especially for micro-phases into micro-teaching. This is very similar to a session for macro teaching. This type of plan should outline the specific objectives, instructional methods, and activities that will be used in the course of the short lesson, most often 5-10 minutes.

The lesson plan’s main purpose is to help a teacher concentrate on just one particular part of a teaching process or concept. This sort of plan is invaluable in teacher training programs in a country like India.


Major Components of a Micro Lesson Plan:

Lesson Objective

Any micro lesson plan should commence with the curriculum objective in a clear and concise manner. Since the less time shall be given for execution, such an aim should merely show preciseness and eligibility over the confines of time. For instance, rather than broadening the topic into a broad thing that is photosynthesis, it may narrow down to “that of just making plain the process in the absorption of light in photosynthesis.” It allows roles of a teacher to be well structured for accurate delivery of quite a noted instruction.


The beginning part of a micro lesson plan is introduction and in conciseness yet actively engaging. The teacher’s intention remains that he or she has to catch the attention of the learners quickly and introduce the topic.

By way of a question, brief discussion, or an interesting fact about the topic, the learners will be prepared to proceed. But under sometimes you have a little time to show this kind of introduction in a lesson. Same details are interconnected directly here by the teacher concerning the intention of studying the lesson.

Heart of Core Teaching Activity

A core teaching activity is the core of the micro lesson plan. It is precisely the place where one can arrange methods and strategies. These activities are those used by the teacher to teach what he or she plans to bring into the classroom.

Due to the shorter time frame of the lesson, the teacher would present through direct teaching that he would explain or demonstrate the whole concept. Visual aids, models, or interactive methods involving questioning could also be added. However, the core of the business is to give the content in as organized, clear, attractive fashion as possible and yet tied with the objective.


What follows is, of course, the outcome, which is crucial to micro lesson planning. It entails summarizing the achieved objectives of the lesson and references for quick recollection. This might ensure that the statement that everyone knows what it is all about gives the learners the ability to understand something. It ties the lesson together, which ensures that the aim is met.

Assessment and Feedback

There may not be exactly any formal type of assessment applied in micro teaching, but teachers can evaluate student understanding via questioning during or at the end of the lesson. Also, a sort of feedback has been included within the plan, with peers or mentors. This will help the teacher in the further process of development.

The advantages of a Micro Lesson Plan are:

Specific: A fine detail of the lesson plan permits the teachers to focus on some specific skills like explaining a single concept or managing a group of the few students.

Time-efficient: Practices teachers use to convey a short but organized and clear message in pretty less time, and in this way, they learned how to maintain flow through their lesson or taught lesson.

Feedback-oriented: A structure made to provide feedback helps a teacher to improve his/her performance.

The use of micro lesson plans is extensive in the training of teachers in pre-service and in-service. In India’s teacher education programs, it is quite valuable in helping teachers develop the ability to present complex topics in a simplified and effective manner, preparing them for real classroom environments.

Crafting a Micro-Teaching Lesson Plan

Micro-teaching lesson plan can produce a teaching specificity that is brief but focused. Such specificity can target a single teachable item or concept. Micro-teaching is designed as short as it gets, lasting between five and ten minutes at maximum, just to achieve one goal. So here are the steps followed while preparing for a good micro-teaching lesson:

Target the Objective Specifically

The lesson begins when the trainee specifies a clear, measurable end to the learning taking place within a short, well-limited time frame, instead of a general change. In this case, for instance, a term like “explain the water cycle” is far too vague. It’s narrowed down another level into describing the stages of the water cycle.

Planning the Introduction

The teacher plans a lesson introduction ranging from a moment’s delightful engagement with learners, thereby officially opening the topic of conversation, to probably an attrition-reducing event where the previous knowledge they have will be reviewed. It has to be shortened to at most a minute if only because the time has to be spent properly on specific content.

Now, Dish Up the Meat!

The crux of the instruction is content delivery through the selected teaching method. Whether it means explaining something, asking questions, or demonstrating any practical skill, all teaching strategies must ultimately achieve this objective. Make use of visual aids, chalkboard diagrams, or small activities to make the teaching even more interesting.

The End; Conclude and Recap

This should be abrupt and quick, summarizing the key points. An example waits in the form of a concluding question right at the end or a brief recap of the lesson. The conclusion must be one that dramatizes support and acknowledges the objective.

Assessment and Feedback

Even macro vision takes place in micro-teaching, so about three good questions or comments can be loaded to check whether the objectives have been missed or reached. It is to these three or more prompts that another colleague or possibly a master peer would criticize augmented training techniques not only during but also after the event.

By following this structure, a micro-teaching lesson plan becomes an effective tool for developing specific teaching skills in a focused, time-efficient manner.

Steps of Micro-Teaching

The micro-teaching is essential for training and improving the skills of the teachers. Here are the fundamental essentials of the micro-teaching:


The design is the first step of micro-teaching. In this lesson, the teacher selects one of the teaching skills or topics to teach, and creates a micro-teaching plan typically from 5 to 10 minutes. In this plan, he or she should have the objective clear introduction, core content, and conclusion. This exercise is designed to drill one component for example questioning skills/ tracing a concept.


Here, the teach delivers the micro lesson to a small group of peers or students, sometimes with the superiors or mentors also present. The teaching session might last only a brief time as it is meant to highlight the cantered skill mentioned in its design. The teacher is then in a position to try out puzzle demands or other ways of delivering the lesson to the learners.


In this step, the teacher speaks to his/her teaching session as observation can be done by his/her fellows, mentors who are superior to him, or any school supervisor delegated by them. Some use this very close observation to check knowledge about how well an author has specified his topic and the manner he is posing his questions or subject matter pathing.


In this step, the teacher seriously listens to after an observation is gone through directly as to how far he/she has done this lesson correctly. Feedback helps in a sloppy description in terms of the clarity used, pacing, reality engagement with learners, and material aids.


Re-teaching allows the teacher to reconceptualize his or her lesson by introducing feedback in the immediate repetition affair. Consequently, an evaluation of subsequent lessons provides further improvement that is normally associated with exposure, persistence, and as well exploration of more developmental and more efficient ways in the course of action to become more proficient.

By following these steps, micro-teaching provides a focused, structured approach to skill development in teaching.

Difference Between Micro-Teaching and Macro-Teaching

In the field of education, micro-teaching and macro teaching are two methods used where the latter is intended for the latter purpose.

Micro and Macro

Micro-teaching has a smaller scope than macro teaching, encompasses teaching one small skill or concept for a short, typically 5-to-10-minute, period of time. This occurs in front of a small group of learners or peers and enables teachers to focus on perfecting fine aspects of teaching methods such as questioning, explanation, or classroom management.

Macro teaching, on the other hand, refers to full-fledged class teaching over an extended period of time, covering multiple topics or covering long-range skills that require the teacher to work on a complete unit or lesson plan. Macro teaching involves bigger class sizes, maintaining classroom discipline, addressing the needs of a diverse student population, and wider target learning outcomes.

The Aim

Caption and main line–Micro-teaching is aimed at refining and developing specific teaching skills in a low-strain environment. Its precepts are practice, feedback, and re-teaching, making the approach ideal for pre-service teachers willing to improve their abilities.

In contrast, macro teaching is learning through teaching theory. A deeper meaning signifies diverse teaching philosophical underpinnings, including radical behaviour changes and behaviour modification through communication.

Feedback and Reflection

Constructive criticism from peers or mentors provides instant feedback in micro-teaching. Teachers can contemplate judicious criticism, plan with the help of well-wishers, and use methods that have potential.

Micro-teaching evaluation is provided after the lesson by the early feedback and quite individual attention on the development of exploration exercises-few methods with students that would be met by the teacher in retrial, and later definite feedback at the end of the term like quizzes or tests or class-student evaluations by the students which points out the efficiency level in general but doesn’t specify under what area this inefficiency may be found under the scope of teaching being investigated and worked on.

In sum, micro-teaching and macro teaching are both vital in teacher development, since micro-teaching provides structured practice in the performance dimensions of teaching, while macro teaching requires actual teaching experience.

Why Are Micro-Teaching Skills Crucial?

A micro-teaching skill is important for educational purposes because this facilitates a structured and effective system whereby teachers, especially the inexperienced ones, may improve and refine their teaching techniques. Focusing on very specific skills in a controlled setting and without pressure helps students build the foundation through micro-teaching for effective classroom instruction. What do you think?

Intensely Developing Skills

Much micro-teaching involves a breakdown of teaching complexities into smaller aspects, making teachers to focus on a skill area at a time in question to delivery as well classroom management. One of the constraints to the development of skills is isolating a particular thing within a teaching environment, thus allowing for classroom-based and further-reaching use of this skill, and it is this that effectively leads to more effective teaching.

Immediate Feedback and Improvement

Immediate feedback is thus given to teachers after the completion of a lesson to enable a teacher to recognize his/her strength and attributes for improvement. Instant feedback is capable of not only giving first-time feedback, but also letting the lesson he re-teaches so that learning still continues, plus improvement. Thus, teachers are able to identify the weaknesses in themselves and are in a position to make all necessary corrections before entering a full-fledged teaching environment.

Estimation of Confidence

Micro-teaching gives a safe environment for new or amateur teachers to practice only certain teaching practices without the pressure of classroom life in the form of managing crammed, loud classes. Such an environment will allow the teachers to learn certain approaches that can make them perfectly prepared to have confidence in their teaching.

In Developing Reading Classrooms Capabilities

Micro-teaching allows one to know how to develop primary teaching skills by building, monitoring and evaluating successes which might be applicable in actual classroom situations. Moreover, availability of professional operations ranging from time management and motivation to organization brings out the flow in the delivery of a perfect lecture with minimal interruptions.

In essence, micro-managing important skills will create a good foundation for effective teaching so that the educators will be competent, well-bright and edified with the imperative life skills and excellence to survive well in a classroom and beyond.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Why should micro-teaching be held?

Ans: The main aim of micro-teaching is to develop specific teaching skills within teachers in a protected environment.

Q2: What makes micro lesson and regular lesson plans different from each other?

Ans: A Focus on one specific concept or skill held for a short time is the essence of a micro lesson plan which is in contrast to the wider topics and over a longer period covered in a regular lesson plan.

Q3: What are the steps involved in micro-teaching?

Ans: The cycle of micro-teaching comprises planning, teaching, observation, feedback, and re-teaching.

Q4: Difference between micro-teaching and macro-teaching?

Ans: Micro-teaching is limited to imparting specific skills, demonstration of some elaborative knowledge, or giving an example through a limited and highly specific methodical demonstration or exercise for a short period of time, but macro-teaching means a full classroom setting that includes instruction in a comprehensive lesson.

Q5: Why feedback is important in micro-teaching?

Ans: It helps teachers evaluate their strong points and work on weak areas for the enhancement and clear understanding of teaching skills.

Manjeet Mehta CEO @Pesofts

Manjeet Mehta is a professional writer and also the CEO @Pesofts. He passed out from IIT Roorkee in 2013 and started their own business, thinking of the growing education sector with the help of technology. You can check out LinkedIn and follow him here LinkedIn

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