How Online Examination Will Improve Your Profit?
Technological inventions and changing times have transformed the process of conducting assessments. The advent of online examination software with its advanced features have overpowered the traditional pen-paper tests. Besides streamlining the evaluation process through its seamless design and implementation, exam software also improves your revenue.
Are you confused as to how does online examination increase your profit? Read further. Today’s article answer’s this question. Before proceeding further let us understand the concept of online examination software.
Exam software is a software that has made conducting computer-based tests a reality. The cost-effectiveness linked with online examination improve your profit. Let us further take a look as to how online examination software helps in generating revenue.
You can also learn here about Benefits of online examination system for teachers
● REDUCED WORKFORCE: Conducting pen paper tests requires administrators to manage the examination, faculty to schedule it, moderators to assess the process, invigilators to supervise as well as teachers to grade the answer sheets. The chain of people with specific delegated roles involves high cost.
On the other hand, conducting computer-based exams through online examination software reduces an assessment agencies administrative burden. Exam software’s advanced tools generate instant results as well as do away need to appoint workforce. It saves the cost of the exam conducting bodies.
● LOGISTICS: Traditional assessment system requires setting up and maintaining an infrastructure that leads to additional expenses. The cost of transporting examination questions and answer sheets burns pockets. Test takers in the online examination can take the tests as per their convenience anywhere and anytime. Using an online examination software to conduct a computer-based assessment saves money.
● PRINTING AND PAPER COSTS: Conducting offline tests requires printing of question papers, answer sheets, hall tickets, passes, ID cards, registration as well as admission form that result in high paper costs. The paperwork in an online examination reduces to zero that saves the expenses of the assessment agencies. Its web-based nature enables to the setting, editing as well as assigning question papers online in a jiffy. Its automated feature helps in generating instant results. Passes, identity cards, and application forms can be filled, submitted and generated online.
Computer-based tests have marked a revolutionary change in the assessment pedagogy. Its features assert a balance between the economy as well as efficiency. An online examination software offered by pesofts speeds up the process of evaluation enhances functionalities as well as promotes savings. It only includes a one-time investment since it is web-based. With its cost-effective factors, computer-based tests also save time, efforts as well as deliver a sophisticated system of exams.
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