5 Thing You Should Think Before Choosing Online Exam Software
Are you still conduct exam on paper and pen?. or are you still stuck on pen paper?. Then why you do not switch your test creating or exam handling strategy from offline to online. Why are you spending lots of hour on Table for making a question on paper for your students?.
Is creating a question on paper and wasting lots of time on this strategy is good or not we will discuss whole the thing on this article also How to choose Online Exam Software or What is the Procedure to Select the Right Online Exam Software?.
Choosing of online exam system is a way for managing your exams on a Computer(With web based exam conducting system) or Mobile(Using Mobile App exam conducting system) without wasting any paper or without harming our environment, cutting tree or more. If you are a teacher, students, or any coach, requiter from any corporate sector, Then We will help for making your own examination system.
Every time you should think when you choose online exam software vendor.
1. How Much Total Experience They Have?.

Yes, the first thing always remembers or think about this one because of experience matter, You also do not want and do not give your exam creating strategy to any local vendor, or without experience people. Let’s discuss us we are an IITn’s and have lots of knowledge in this field from the year of 2013.
We have a lot of client in almost every field like school, coaching, institute or corporate sectors. In India, we have a client from each state and more than 150 sectors, and more than 2000 students trust us. You can check our client section here.
2. How Much They Cost For Online Exam Software.
This is the second thing you should think before choose online exam software vendor. Lets discussed what our cost and how we offer.
Mostly we offer to our new client only for an online exam software demo. because each time whenever we got a new client, they always say one thing “I do not have any knowledge can you please offer me a demo or any training” that is the main reason we always offer this one.
After checking or understanding and after conducting 2 to 4 test with our online exam software demo you can select any premium plan for online exam software, or you can check it out here.
3. Service – What Service They Will Offering.
We have always the main focus on service because this might be the best thing if we do best for our client. You always think about this before choosing online exam software. We have a team they always give their best for providing a solution and helping the client.
If anyone stuck in any field whenever they conduct an online test or uploading question paper or whatever our support team always help them for resolving that issue or guiding to the client. We also offer a training period before getting a premium plan.
4. User Unterface – Check The User Interace Of Software.
Yes, we have a make our online exam system very user-friendly and very responsive, So every student understands its UX and feels best on UI when they use it. We have made our online exam conducting software after doing a very huge amount of coding, With PHP, HTML, CSS Angular Or Javascript.
5. How Many Number Of Trusted Clients They Have.
As we already mentioned previously we have lots of client in every state in India.
Online exam software is a very needful system for everyone nowadays because if anyone really want for conducting an exam on an online platform and also wants to grow their coaching. Understand all the above things before choosing online exam software provider vendor.