How Can You Teach Online If Your School Is Closed Temporarily.!
A lot of countries have resorted to lockdown as this pandemic continues to spread. Even the schools around the globe have closed in the wake of the virus to contain its spread. To prevent the hampering of studies, schools have shifted to online learning. Due to this, the teachers have suddenly faced the challenge of how they should continue the education of their students. This seems like a daunting task but the availability of various resources that support quality education through online learning enables the teachers to teach easily.
Hundreds and thousands of teachers are now providing face to face lessons online by implementing online learning plans. These plans comprise of teaching strategies, communication rules, devices solutions to blend learning in the school community.
Let us know about some of the tools with the help of which the teachers can implement this online learning plan to transition from the classroom to the web.
Ways To Teach Online When Your School Is Temporarily Closed
Irrespective of the fact that the schools have been closed yet the teachers are trying their best to make sure that it does not affect the studies. With the following ways and steps, this is possible.
An Analysis On How To go About With Things
All the educators right now are required to take a step back to focus on what matters the most. They should figure out what topic is of utmost importance and needs to be taught on an immediate basis. This also means prioritizing the creation of an open as well as a clear channel of communication where both the students, as well as parents, are aware of what the teachers are teaching.
Delivery and Technology
In light of coronavirus, all the tech providers have resorted to several ways and software to move the content as well as lessons online.
Virtual Classroom Software
An online classroom software is one such tool with the help of which teachers can conduct live face to face classes which are in the manner similar to school. This helps to promote a feeling of accessibility and does not make the students feel isolated. It has the feature of responsiveness with the help of which the teachers can as well as students can join the classes through any device, be it android or iOS.
This negates the requirements of any particular device on which the app is functional. Further, it has supported multiple languages. With this student from different countries can adjust with the interface language as per their mother tongue. The teachers are very well aware of the attendance report of the students as the software gives the duration of the in/out time of the students.
The countdown feature has a timer makes with which the attendees aware of the remaining time before the beginning of the classes. They even get to know about the time that is remaining for the classes to end. The availability of a secure socket layer gives the universities an assurance that the software would not be hacked.
One of the best parts of these virtual classes is that the lectures are recorded which gives the students the advantage of attending them again if in case they fail to attend the classes. With this simplified, user-friendly online magic, the students can also give their presentations easily to get marked and graded.
To address the concern of the teachers that is related to keeping the students engaged as well as reviewing their progress, online examination software, as well as an online quiz maker software, is available. Lets us discuss as to how it plays the role of engaging the students.
Online Examination Software
This magical wand gives the teacher the power to assess any number of students even during this lockdown efficiently. The instructors have the capability of creating different forms of questions as per the demands of the subjects. This software support variant types of questions that can range from MCQ to comprehensive based questions to subjective questions.
They can even add images if they intend to frame complex questions that are highly supported by multi-language input. The system is also encrypted with a secure socket layer that enables the admin to limit the accessibility of testing. They can also curtail the access of certification material by either seeing the IP ranges or requiring an invitation to access the content. With this, the authenticity of the assessment remains.
There is a feature of remote procuring that acts as an invigilator and monitors the activities of the test taker. Any students who resort to any unfair means bear the consequences of exam cancellation. The instructors and the school authorities do not have to worry about the results of the test. The software easily generates as well as provides an advanced analysis in the form of rank and subject wise reports. The results are circulated on the provided ID of the students as well as the parents.
Online Quiz Maker Software
After the teachers have finished teaching a topic through virtual classroom software, the next thing that they need to do is teach their students all the possible questions that they can cover from that particular topic. To make this session fun, they have an option of resorting to quizzes with the help of a quiz maker software. They can design questions in such a manner that all the students who take part give their answers and can analyse at the end of what they have done. The students get a full report of every possible scenario and even the teachers can cover all the types of questions smoothly and easily.
The shift from traditional learning to digital learning has resulted in more people accessing online content. Thus the teachers, as well as parents, should priorities in keeping the students safe by being clear with how to interact online and the teachers can create consent form that is shared with parents in the case of young children. Even the parents should help the children in maintaining their learning during the coronavirus outbreak by keeping up with their studies.
The Final Thought
There are several advantages of online learning and with the right amount of knowledge the teachers as well as students during this lockdown can help the kids to embrace these possibilities. For this purpose, a wide variety of tools are available that are tempting. But for effective learning, it is crucial to limit the number of tools, apps as well as platforms to overwhelm the students with online teaching. We at pesofts provide online learning tools at affordable rates to make sure that both the teachers, students as well as parents can teach and study effectively and efficiently even during the lockdown.
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