How Online Exam Management System Helping Schools In Minimizing Disorganization
2022-05-07 16:15:37
Online Exam Management System for the Helping the School In Minimizing Disorganization. And in 2019, when COVID came, it had created havoc in everybody's lives and resulted in every industry and sector coming to a standstill. After that, We are Providing the Online Exam Management System for schools.
Tips For Improving Online Teaching Skills
2022-04-29 16:28:07
Tips for Improving Online Teaching Skills have forced the students and teachers to consider alternative modes of Teaching that could replace the physical method of learning. As a result, universities and Educational institutions resorted to online learning software to ensure continuity of education without giving teachers time to adapt to this form of learning.
Evolution of Teaching Method- Then vs Now
2022-04-20 13:34:52
The Evolution of the teaching method is in different ways, from the traditional classroom to online classes. This CoVID in the 21st century has completely evolved how educational institutions impart knowledge to students.
Ways For Teachers To Earn Passive Income
2022-04-11 11:05:42
Ways For Teachers To Earn Passive Income The teaching profession is considered one of the noblest professions as teachers are responsible for training the youth. Still, their teaching also plays a significant role in the nation's development. In this time of the unprecedented advent of CoVID, which has resulted in soaring unemployment rates, even these teachers have not been spared and are facing looming clouds of uncertainty on their heads.
Virtual Recruiting: Challenges and Solutions | Pesofts
2022-04-05 10:44:06
Virtual recruitment has gained pace because of the pandemic, and it’s imperative now for every organization to take candidates on board virtually only.
How To Build Big Coaching With Online Teaching
2022-03-30 16:13:52
With the introduction of various softwares facilitating online teaching, coaching centres can cope in this era of increased competition. This is because online education enables the coaching institutes to connect with different teachers and help, thereby providing online classes to an unlimited of students at one time.
Get More Students Online and Sell Online Courses
2022-03-28 17:35:03
During CoVID, when people were free sitting at home, the trend of enrolling on online courses had increased. Still, now ever since the situation has returned to normal, students have started to prefer focusing on their studies.
Difference Between Classplus, Teachmint, ThinkExam and Pesofts
2022-03-19 12:53:14
The sudden shift of education from offline to online has resulted in the growth of some software providers providing online teaching apps to make imparting of lectures seamless.
From schools to colleges to coaching institutes, every intermediary related to education has resorted to this new teaching model.
6 Reasons Why Proctored Assessment is Popular Amongst Corporates
2022-03-03 11:22:54
With the advent of CoVID, education and even the corporates experienced a tremendous transformation in hiring. Social distancing and the requirement to adhere to the government's norms to prevent the spread of CoVID resulted in proctored assessments becoming popular amongst corporates.
Hybrid Learning: Future Of Online Education with Hybrid Learning
2022-02-24 12:45:13
These evolved technologies can provide innovative ways for mass instruction, addressing inadequacies of information and worldwide development by hybrid mode of learning. The associated benefits of hybrid learning have resulted in this new mode of learning gaining exponential momentum.