Online Examination Management System: Features & Benefits
The presence of Online Examination Software and Online Classroom Software long ago initiated a debate on whether educational institutions should switch to online modes of teaching or not. The benefits of virtual classes and exams were sufficient to convince them, but the education industry was still skeptical about resorting to such a substantial change.
During the advent of COVID, these online tools for imparting learning acted as a boon. They resulted in all schools, colleges, universities, and coaching centers resorting to online teaching through online classroom software and Software for Online Assessment.
Eventually, all the intermediaries (educational institutions and students) associated with imparting lectures and teaching were so well adjusted to this mode of examination that most universities now prefer to conduct remote exams for any large-scale exam.
Against this backdrop, there’s been an increase in the number of online exams, which has given rise to the need for every educational institution to have an Online Examination Management Software that enables them to conduct any number of exams in one go with any number of students.
Thus the article today, while discussing the concept of online examination management software, also highlights its benefits and features.
Features of Online Exam Management System
✔ Efficiently Conduct Multiple Exams Remotely
✔ View Different Types Of Exams
✔ Create Various Types Of Exams
✔ Oversee Student’s Activities While They Are Taking Exam
✔ Manage Students Without Any Hassle
✔ Every Intermediary Can Control Examination Activities
✔ Publish & Manage Results
✔ Various Options For Making Payments
✔ Add Any Format Of Questions
Understanding the Concept Of Online Examination Management Software
An online examination management software enables educational institutions who wish to assess students online to create and manage unlimited exams for the students. The software gives its users various options such as setting exam centers, duration, time for the start of the exam, date of the exam, type of exam (paid or free, practice exam), and the length of the exam.
With this software, the exam conducting institutions have the leverage to allow the students to take the exam either at their convenience or manage the candidates by assigning them to roll numbers.
Benefits of Online Exam Management System
With an online exam management system, the exam conducting agencies can derive the following benefits:
✔ Eases The Burden Of Exam Administration
✔ Enables Educational Institutions To Conduct Multiple Exams At the Same Time
✔ Students Can Take Exams Remotely
The Last Word
An online exam management system is a one-stop solution for educational institutions to conduct school and competitive exams with exclusive features and innumerable benefits. However, to become the beneficiary of all the features and advantages discussed above, it’s imperative for every educational institution to not rely on all the software providers but only purchase software from India’s best online exam management system provider “Pesofts.” To provide an unforgettable experience and retain their customers, Pesofts offers an online exam management system with all the features necessary for assessing students by conducting multiple exams.
The software is available at reasonable prices, and we instantly resolve all our users’ problems. Our grievance redressal team working tirelessly 24/7, aims to redress all the tech-related issues within the least time, and we offer excellent after-sale services.
Writer & Publisher
Manjeet Mehta CEO @Pesofts
Manjeet Mehta is a professional writer and also the CEO @Pesofts, He passes out from IIT Roorkee in the year 2013 and started their own business by thinking of the growing education sector with the help of technology. You can check out LinkedIn him and follow here LinkedIn